In-keeping with the district’s paper reduction initiative, ITS will stop printing report cards and parents will need to log into their Dadeschools Mobile app or Portal to view their child(ren)’s report card grades. This change will take effect starting with report cards for the third grading period which are to be available by April 24, 2024, according to the 2023-24 Grade Reporting Schedule. While ITS will no longer print report cards, schools will have the ability to print a report card on-demand for parents requesting a hard copy who present appropriate identification.
- Principals and school staff with WRTS authorization to view reports on their Employee Portal will be able to print the on-demand report cards by following the attached instructions.
- Principals may assign WRTS authorization via AAAA in CICS. Individuals granted this RACF authorization will need to wait overnight to access Reports on the Portal.
- Support documentation including step-by-step PDF and video guides can be found for this and other processes at the Online Reporting & Paper Reduction support website.